Douglas McCoy has developed training modules and seminars for this very impetus. Doug wants to show you how you can maximize your potential as you. For then again, you may not know it yet, you are a very powerful being! Coupled with his team of leading coaches, Doug can tailor his presentation to suit your requirement.
These questions and nagging excuses probably entered your mind at some point in your life :
"Today is the same day I lived 5 years ago"
"Criticism easily discourages me"
"I often make excuses and avoid making decisions"
"I am Too Big, Too Young, Too Old, No Time, I can't"
"No Education, I am not good enough, I can't afford it"
"It's My Boss's Fault, My Wife's Fault, My Mum's Fault"
"I am uncomfortable in the company of strangers"
"Money! - Well there just never seems to be enough "
"When things get better, then I 'll "
"Life wasn't meant to be easy "
"I will make my decisions based on other people's opinion "
"I don't have enough time "
"I am afraid to.... "

Well, do not fret. You are not alone. However, it is time for you to address this if you want to move forward in your life.
These and more negative self-talk have been in people’s heads for the longest time without really realizing this is sabotaging them to achieve what they really want in life. Or if they must have discovered these internal dialogues that are not really serving them, they just don’t know how to stop them.
Here are some of the favorite areas which our clients have arranged with Doug and our other coaches at Australasian Success Academy to cover in their seminars and speaking engagements:
Wealth Creation
Ask & Grow Rich $$$?
The Laws of GOLD
Wealth Creation ( series)
Buy & Sell Businesses
Wealth Creation through Real Estate
Motivation & Personal Development
11 Keys to Personal Success
Discover Your Hidden Power
Thought Dynamics with P. A . R
Happiness, Your Choice - How to be Happy
Feel the Fear & Do It Anyway
Personal Success & Leadership
Turn Weakness to strength
TEAM Work (s)
YOU : No. 1 Key
SMILE & The World Smiles with You
Selling made Easy
Keys to Successful Selling
Closing = ASKING
Business Development &
Marketing Genuis
The power of Multiplication, Networking & Co-oping
Loyality & Co-oping in marketing- The Leverage
Secrets to a Vital Healthy Life
Stress Relief Made Easy
Touch for Health
Goals - Planning & The Management
Design Your Destiny through Goal Setting with P.A.R
Multiply your results through Skillful Time Management